Wednesday, October 23, 2013

behold the smell-o-scope

This week we did a quick workshop to get our hands moving – the brief was to use cardboard and gaffa tape to make a 3D sketch of an object or tool that is related to our area of interest. I decided initially to make some bacteria, and when that proved rather easy I moved on to modelling a microscope. 

The next step was to manipulate the model by adding extra parts that would change the function of the object somehow, possibly rendering it into a new tool or changing its meaning. On a whim I added an extractor fan and a nasal application, altering my microscope to a smell-o-scope (later realising it was a subconscious homage to Futurama). 

Having done an immense amount of reading, writing and hypothesising on my chosen topic, I really appreciated the practical nature of this workshop. It wasn't too serious and ended up a bit silly, but I highly enjoyed actually making something tangible and expressing some ideas in a physical form. Next time I'm stuck in a bubble of theory, I'll try to keep this approach in mind.